Events of 2024
Events of 2024
The "We Came to Carol" event, carefully and passionately organized by the Doina Community, was a true Christmas celebration, filled with warmth, good cheer, and harmony.
Special thanks to the carolers who, through their voices, brought the spirit of Christmas closer, as well as to all the participants who enthusiastically accepted the invitation to sing together. Without you, this wonderful day would not have been possible.
Location: Takapuna Playcentre, 8 Auburn Street, Takapuna
Time: 10:00 AM
On Sunday, December 8th, we had the pleasure of hosting the event "Santa Claus is Coming!", which brought us together in a festive and joyful atmosphere. Santa Claus arrived loaded with gifts for the little ones, and the traditional carols filled us with emotion and warmth.
Location: Okahu Bay
Time: 12:00 PM
Thank you for joining us for the December 1st Celebration, marking together this day of great significance for all Romanians. The celebration reminded us that Romania is more than just a geographical place – it is about the people who carry its traditions forward, no matter where they are. It was a day filled with singing, celebration, and a deeper connection to our roots.
Location: Te Oro Art Centre, 98 Line Road, Glen Innes
Time: 5:30 PM
Last Sunday was truly special for everyone who attended our heartfelt Romanian show. We gathered together, young and old, to celebrate the culture and traditions that unite us, even thousands of kilometers away from home.
Location: Beachside Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, Ponsonby
Time: 1:30 PM
The second edition of the "Șase, Șase! Super Backgammon Tournament" organized by the Doina Association brought backgammon enthusiasts together for a day filled with competition and fun. The atmosphere was relaxed yet competitive, with memorable moments created by unpredictable dice rolls and the entertaining commentary of the "chibiți" (spectators).
Location: Beachside Takapuna Cinema, 34 Anzac Street
Time: 7:00 PM
We ended the weekend with the screening of the film *Nasty*, an extraordinarily well-made documentary that reminded us of the great achievements of Romanian athlete Adrian Năstase, as well as the childhood of many of us. It was a window into a beautiful world, full of camaraderie and sportsmanship.
Location: 4/8 Auburn Street, Takapuna
Time: 10:00 AM
On Sunday morning, the *La Povești* club celebrated 7 years of existence with an amazing superhero party and ninja training! Kids of all ages joined in and had a wonderful day full of games, energy, and fun with friends.
Location: Danish House, 6 Rockridge Avenue, Penrose, Auckland 1061
Time: 5:30 PM
On Saturday, we continued with the vibrant Romanian party, *Hanul Ancuței*, where we enjoyed an authentic Romanian atmosphere filled with traditional music, dancing, and delicious dishes. It was an exceptionally successful evening, full of joy and special moments that made us feel right at home.
Location: Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, Ponsonby
Time: 3:00 PM
Last Sunday, the Doina Festival hosted another successful event: *My Ceramic Ie*, attended by 24 people. We thank our organizers, Iulia Simtion and Adina Giurgiu, for a remarkable event!
Location: Cinema Lido, 427 Manukau Road
Time: 7:00 PM
Last week, we had the opportunity to watch the film *Libertate* (*Freedom*), a true artistic manifesto that reminds us of the pivotal moments of the Romanian Revolution. The film takes us back to December 1989, right into the heart of the events that changed the destiny of a nation. It is a must-watch film.
On Saturday, 5 October, Romanian seniors went on an outing. After a picnic and a short walk on the beach at Browns Bay, the group headed to Sanders House in Sanders Reserve, where the excursion continued with music, a barbecue, bingo games with prizes, and lots of good cheer. We thank the volunteers who organized the trip and look forward to welcoming more seniors to join us on future outings.
Location: St. Mary's Cathedral, Parnell
Time: 6:30 PM
The audience at the event held at St. Mary's Cathedral in Auckland was deeply impressed by the exceptional performance of violinist Diana Jipa and pianist Ștefan Doniga.
Location: Victory Convention Centre, 98 Beaumont St., Freemans Bay, Auckland.
Time: 6:00 PM
The Doina Dance Group captivated the audience at the 2024 Multiethnic-Viva Eclectika Festival with a performance full of diversity and energy.
Location: On frequency 104.6 FM or online
Time: 8:30 PM
Last night, during the "Romanie Plai de Dor" show, we had the pleasure of opening the Doina Festival alongside violinist Diana Jipa and pianist Ștefan Doniga, who shared details about their international tour "The Path of Freedom."
Location: Maungawhau Playcentre
Time: 10:00 AM
On Sunday, 8 September 2024, the children from the "La Povesti" group gathered at Maungawhau Playcentre, where they enjoyed marshmallows and sang and danced with their friends from Gașca Zurli. Thanks to Andreea Fantaza for organizing yet another wonderfully successful event!
Location: MOTAT
Time: 10:00 AM
Organized by Laura Iugan together with the "La Povesti" group. The children had a wonderful time, while the parents had the chance to enjoy storytelling. We thank you for the organization.
Location: Takapuna Playcentre, 1/8 Auburn Street, Takapuna
Time: 10:00 AM
Last Saturday, at the "La Povesti " meeting, the children made tennis rackets from disposable plates, which they decorated as they wished, and played tennis with balloons. Thanks to Claudia Pristopan for the organization.
Location: Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, Ponsonby
Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
This year, on the Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse (Ia), we were delighted to have over 50 guests who cherish the Romanian traditional clothing, especially the Ia. Members of the "Ia La Antipozi" group introduced themselves and showcased their embroidered blouses, either ones they had made themselves or those passed down from mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers, from various regions of the country.
Location: Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, Ponsonby
Time: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
On 16 June 2024, the Literary Café hosted a flax weaving workshop, attracting enthusiasts of handicrafts such as knitting, crocheting, and origami.
Location: Takapuna Playcentre, 1/8 Auburn Street, Takapuna
Time: 10:00 AM
We’ll meet on Sunday, 9 June, at La Povești to celebrate Children’s Day together. Magician Vasilică will entertain the children starting at 10:30 AM, and afterwards, we’ll have pizza.
Location: Takapuna Playcentre, 1/8 Auburn Street, Takapuna
Time: 10:00 AM
We invite you to join us for a special day dedicated to mothers!
Location: Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, Ponsonby
Time: 3:00 PM
We are reopening the Romanian Library and invite you to an afternoon of board games.
Location: Sanders Reserve and Campbell’s Bay
Time: Departure from New Lynn (Less Mills) at 9:30 AM and from Britomart at 10:00 AM
Irina, Cristina, Andu, and the Seniors' Group are organizing a new trip to Sanders Reserve and Campbell’s Bay.
Location: Takapuna Playcentre, 1/8 Auburn Street, Takapuna
Time: 10:00 AM
The La Povești group invites you to join the monthly meeting at Takapuna Playcentre.
Location: Danish House, 6 Rockridge Avenue, Penrose, Auckland 1061
Time: 6:30 PM
We warmly invite you to join us for an evening full of fun, great rhythms, and spectacular lights at our party.
Location: 106 Western Springs Rd, Auckland
Time: 12:00 PM
Greek Days - Event organized by the Greek Community and Orthodox Parish of Auckland and Districts.
Location: Takapuna Playcentre, 1/8 Auburn Street, Takapuna
Time: 10:30 AM
In March, we make Mărțișor, of course!
21 aprilie 2024
Locatia: Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, Ponsonby
Ora: 3:00 pm
Redeschidem Biblioteca Românească si va invitam la o dupa amiaza de jocuri de societate
20 aprilie 2024
Locația: Sanders Reserve si Campbell’s Bay
Ora: Plecare de la New Lyn ( Less Mills ) la 9:30 si de la Brittomart la 10:00
Irina, Cristina, Andu si Grupul seniorilor organizează o nouă excursie la locațiile Sanders Reserve și Campbell's Bay.
14 aprilie 2024
Locatia: Takapuna.Playcentre, 1/8 Auburn Street, Takapuna
Ora: 10:00 am
Grupul La Povesti va așteaptă la întâlnirea lunara la Takapuna Playcentre
16 martie 2024
Locatia: Danish House, 6 Rockridge Avenue, Penrose, Auckland 1061
Ora: 6:30 pm
Vă invităm cu drag să participați la o seară plină de distracție, ritmuri grozave și lumini spectaculoase la petrecerea noastră.
10 martie 2024
Locatia: 106 Western Springs Rd, Auckland
Western Springs Rd, Auckland
Ora: 12:00 pm
Zilele grecesti - Eveniment organizat de Greek Community and Orthodox Parish of Auckland and Districts
10 martie 2024
Locatia: Takapuna.Playcentre, 1/8 Auburn Street, Takapuna
Ora: 10:30 am
În martie facem mărțișoare, desigur!
3 februarie 2024
Locatia: New Lynn
Ora: 9:30 am
Clubul Seniorilor organizează o nouă excursie de o zi la Long Bay
14 -19 ianuarie 2024
Tabăra Românească 2024 - Tabăra Copiilor
Locația: Moirs Point Mangawhai
Asociația Doina invită din nou comunitatea în tabără. Vara aceasta organizăm două tabere consecutive, una pentru copii și cealaltă pentru familii și adulți, ambele la Moirs Point Mangawhai, o locație superbă la nord de Auckland.
19 - 21 ianuarie 2024
Tabăra Românească 2024 - Tabăra Familiilor
Locația: Moirs Point Mangawhai
Asociația Doina invită din nou comunitatea în tabără. Vara aceasta organizăm două tabere consecutive, una pentru copii și cealaltă pentru familii și adulți, ambele la Moirs Point Mangawhai, o locație superbă la nord de Auckland.
Colinde de Crăciun
Grupul de colindători a început pregătirile de Crăciun cu repetiții și planificarea programului.
17 decembrie 2023
Locatia:Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, Ponsonby
Ora: 3:00 pm
Membrii grupului "Am venit să Colindăm" ne vor vizita la Ponsonby Community Centre și ne vor învăța colinde tradiționale de Crăciun.
10 decembrie 2023
Locatia:Takapuna Play Centre, 4/8 Auburn Street, Auburn Reserve
Ora: 10:00 am
Întâlnirea "La povești în Limba Română" – Serbarea de Crăciun
2 decembrie 2023
Locatia:Okahu Bay Beach, Orakei
Ora: 1:00 pm
Celebrăm Ziua Națională a României și încheiem Festivalul Doina cu o petrecere românească “la iarba verde”.
25 noiembrie 2023
Locatia: online
Ora: 2:30 pm
Ia la Antipozi intalnire cu Daniela Strambei
19 noiembrie 2023
Locatia:Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, Ponsonby
Ora: 3:00 pm
Cafeneaua Literară gazduiește workshopul: Ornamente tradiționale de Crăciun
12 noiembrie 2023
Locatia:Takapuna Play Centre, 4/8 Auburn Street, Auburn Reserve
Ora: 10:00 am
Întâlnirea "La povești în Limba Română" – Trimitem scrisori Moșului!
4 noiembrie 2023
Clubul Seniorilor organizează o nouă excursie de o zi la Wenderholm Park .
28 octombrie 2023
Locatia:Danish House, 6 Rockridge Avenue, Penrose, Auckland 1061
Ora: 6:00 pm
Trupa Magura ne pregătește o petrecere surpriză
27 octombrie 2023
Manuela Hrib o va avea invitata pe Margie Vincent, care va vorbi despre Centrul pentru Familie fondat de ea in Romania.
Emisiunea începe la ora 8:30pm și poate fi ascultată pe frecvența 104.6 FM sau online.
15 octombrie 2023
Locatia:Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, Ponsonby
Ora: 3:30 pm
Cafeneaua Literară este gazda unui “Turneu de table”. Dan Vlad și Gelu Roșioru propun un “Turneu de table”.
14 octombrie 2023
Locatia: Clay Studios în Takapuna
Ora: 2-4PM
În cadrul Festivalului Doina invităm copiii între 5 și 16 ani la o sesiune de modelare în lut. Veti avea prilejul să construiți o figurină simpatică urmând pas cu pas instrucțiunile.
8 octombrie 2023
Locatia:Takapuna Play Centre, 4/8 Auburn Street, Auburn Reserve
Ora: 10:00 am
Vă invităm la o nouă ediție La Povești în Limba Română cu tema Halloween. Cine dorește poate veni în costumație. Vă așteptăm cu drag!
7 octombrie 2023
Locatia:The Community of Saint Luke, Remuera Newmarket
130 Remuera Road, Remuera, Auckland 1050
Ora: 6:00 pm
Deschiderea Festivalului Doina cu un Concert pian și vioară susținut de talentații Diana Jipa și Ștefan Doniga.
6 octombrie 2023
Emisiunea "Românie, Plai de Dor" dă tonul Festivalului. Emisiunea începe la ora 8:30pm și poate fi ascultată pe frecvența 104.6 FM sau online.
23 septembrie 2023
Locatia: Victory Convention Centre,98 Beaumont St, Freemans Bay, Auckland
Ora: 5:00 – 10:00 PM
Grupul de dansuri Doina pe scena festivalului "7th Multi-Ethnic Dance Festival 2023"
17 septembrie 2023
Locatia:Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, Ponsonby
Ora: 3:30 pm
Cafeneaua Literară are bucuria să o aibă ca invitată pe Iulia Simtion, care ne propune o activitate relaxantă și creativă cu lut. Activitatea se adresează tuturor vârstelor.
10 septembrie 2023
Locatia:Takapuna Play Centre, 4/8 Auburn Street, Auburn Reserve
Ora: 10:00 am
În septembrie sărbătorim ziua tatălui, astfel că va invităm să îi încântăm împreună pe tăticii noștri cu surprize făcute de mânuțele mici și creative din grupul " La povești în Limba Română".